Monday 15 December 2014

Jake Christmas Advent Beer Calendar – Day 14

Alright, here’s the last one of the weekend…

Lone Wolf IPA

 This the 3rd Canadian Beer of the bunch, and by far the biggest. This one filled about 1 ¼ of the glass, so you’re getting bang for your buck here.

How was it?

Well, remember in the last entry how I mentioned hops can overwhelm the taste of a good beer? That’s what happened here. For beer drinkers with a more seasoned tongue than me, they’d probably be all over this. It definitely had all sorts neat flavours, but first you have to get past that tongue obliterating taste of hops.

The beer even smells like hops. Just a hint is enough for me, and this one is less of a hint, and more of a shouting match with your tastebuds.

I’d probably revisit this one in the future, but it begs for a palate cleanser or some salty snacks or something.


It was drinkable, but had major hops overload. Cool label; it gets points for that. Wouldn’t go for it again though.

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