Friday 3 April 2009

Problems while Peeing

One of the most harrowing problems a man has to deal with is the urinal. Sure ladies, peeing while standing up LOOKS like it's all fun and games, but in reality, it's a deep psychological ballet that requires both wit and guile to make it out of alive.

The rule when taking a leak is to do your best to stand at least one urinal apart from the guy next to you. It's an unspoken rule that all men follow. When stall space is limited you use every other urinal to be courteous. If you were to install a camera in a bathroom you would be guaranteed to see this in action.

Standing next to a dude when you can stand apart at a urinal makes you gay.

There's nothing wrong with being gay, but this is literally the mentality of the urinal system.

I don't know what the rule is though for ladies. I'd assume it doesn't make any difference since you have the option of using the toilets while being protected by a impenetrable steel cage.

Now that I've laid down the basic framework of using a urinal, I'm going to ask for your help in solving a real riddle.

In Brandon, Manitoba there is a certain bathroom that is laid out like this:
Anyone who has been in this bathroom may recognize it. If not, here's a hint: It has a hand dryer that blows like a god damn jet engine.

One evening while choosing to relieve myself I came upon this conundrum.

One fellow was already using the urinal at the end. So I had a choice of three to use. One was obviously wrong.

Had I chosen to use that one I would have been gay. So it was right out.

That left me with the option to use one of the two urinals, both which were equally right to use, but both of which were equally wrong. I opted for the one on the end. It seemed to be the most obvious choice to me.

The other guy peeing was actually friend of mine and since we finished at exactly the same time we sparked off a lively debate on the subject of which urinal was correct. He said I should have chosen the other one, since the general rule is use every other urinal, starting with the guy who lined up first.
But I disagreed, since the bathroom is laid out so strangely, and he was using the oddly placed urinal, the rule was moot. And besides, lining up closer to him wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Because if another person had lined up with us he would have to stand next to one of us regardless.

(Just so you know, if there's no other option but to stand next a dude it doesn't make you gay, you just have to pee)

So I field the question, which option was more correct? For me to stand here:

or here?

A-Ha - Take On Me


Dave said...

The first, is the correct interval and your facing 90 degrees away anyways.

Pat said...

Now... since you knew the guy, the BEST option IMHO would have been the one you dismissed right away (aka the gay option). This way, you could have intentionally made him as uncomfortable as possible.

Of course, this would all depend on how familiar you were with him, how much you had to drink, etc.

But, it would have been funnier... and probably turned into a good story... no matter how queer it made you feel.

But out of those two other choices? What with a global economic recession, war, famine, injustice...

I probably would have picked the same as you did.

Chelsea Ribbon said...

I think you chose the correct urinal. Seeing as how you came in second, the odds are that he will finish urinating before you. In which case, if a third man walks in, and you are still going, he can use the urinal that was originally out of the question.

As a side note: When women use the public washroom, there is usually at least an empty stall in between each user, except when it's really busy. But if you are accompanied to the washroom with a friend, you might prefer to go into stalls right beside each other so that you can talk a little easier, pass toilet paper, ect.

Kristina said...

and chelsea dont forget if your super drunk at the bar your probly in the same stall cause your gonna need help from said friend....or your just juiced and you want company lol.

drollgirl said...

the further away, the less gay you will appear.

and you are ridiculous.

Grammatically Delicious Designs said...

I will never understand men. I read this to my senior class and they laughed and laughed and then reminded me that is was also inappropriate for two men to sit next to eachother at a movie theater unless you are gay or it is absolutely necessary. They hold to the blank, inbetween seat, just like the blank, inbetween urinal. And who thought up urinals anyway? Men. I have four boys living in my family and I would not want to clean up the mess they make with that crazy contraption!


XOXO said...

You totally chose correctly. Had you chosen any of the others, it would have come back to - oh yes, pun intended - bite you in the ass.

Just for the record:

Women usually follow the same rule as guys: allow at least one stall between users. However, ours is more of a courtesy than a general statement of your sexual preference. When there are four open stalls and someone comes in and uses the one, she is just an asshole. Of course, this rule is abandoned in crowded facilities.

Then you just take what you can get.

Maxwell ! said...

I believe you chose correctly in an odd situation. The layout of the bathroom is obviously flawed. But choosing the furthest urinal you safeguarded yourself. That's never the wrong choice

Nai said...

I agree with maxwell. You chose the right urinal. Good on you!

sallymandy said...

This is very funny! My hubby has alluded to the same issues. :)

Hey Jake, I'm sorry, you visited my blog a few weeks ago and I somehow lost your contact, or forgot to come over here and visit, forgive please and thanks for that visit.

Good luck in that dangerous bathroom territory.

dancersteven said...

I believe that you did make the most correct choice; since your friend had started, and would likely finish first, choosing the farthest unrinal would give any other men who enter after your friend had finished the choice of 2correct urinals.

What if you had chosen the middle of the three urinals, and then the one your friend had been using malfunctioned! Any other man would then have to choose either of the spots next to you, which is not a desirable outcome.