Thursday 23 September 2010

Thanksgiving Approaches

Every now and then I voice a commercial which is just embarrassing, even for me.

My station gives away Turkeys for Thanksgiving, (which is coming right up October 11th) and we have some contest called “Turkey Lurkey.” For two years now I've been the voice of Turkey Lurkey himself, due to my experience in raising turkeys. I have keen synergy and understanding as to what a turkey thinks about...

So to you I present the Blackman's Turkey Lurkey Promo, as produced and voiced-in-part by Tom Laird.


Tatiana said...

Have you ever seen the WKRP episode where they had a turkey giveaway? If not you should. Why? Purely for the line, "As god as my witness...I thought turkey's could fly."

Maxwell ! said...

Turkeys don't like the travel! Oh Jake Hammell, you are what the Spaniards call 'El terrible'.

Chelsea Ribbon said...


XOXO said...
