Thursday 13 August 2009

Art Day: Under Every Stone...

Here's my latest painting. It's called “Under Every Stone...” I couldn't think of a good title so I just went for something vague. It works for a lot of legit artists so why not me too?

I just sat down one day after work and started painting without a real goal in mind, and halfway through I decided I wanted to paint some gnomes fighting under a mushroom. Voila! Painting done.

It was mostly an exercise in angles and perspective. The yellow gnome is supposed to be closer to the 'camera,' but instead he just looks lopsided and extremely low-waisted. The other gnome turned out okay though. That's supposed to be a button sewn onto his arm, but I f*cked it up a little and didn't make it so you could see through the holes, so it just looks odd. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Anyway, I'd like to hear what people think is going on in this picture, and the story of it.

Immaculate Machine - Dear Confessor


Lindsay W. said...

I would say that this picture is a fine representation of not only color and dimension but a blunt look at how society views the lower class and the stuggles and confinement that they face during their daily stuggle againt "the man". I think that come out pretty clearly in this picture. I can just feel it.

Or it is a nice picture of knomes and I just made that other stuff up, but I OBVIOUSLY know what i am talking about.

Tatiana said...

Your brother and I discuss this painting on a daily basis. We make a new story almost every day. We love it.

Chelsea Ribbon said...

Personally, I like the title Under Every Mushroom.

I think this is wonderful work of art. Are those needles they are sword fighting with? How clever!

I really enjoy the expression on the blue gnome's face, especially since it looks like the brute yellow gnome is kicking ass! The expression on his face is almost bored... "I could fight you with my eyes closed silly blue gnome!"