I also sing and dance a lot, which people have been thrown into the looney bin for.
One of the things that the girl in the office next to mine has noted about me is that I talk to myself a lot. All the time in fact, 24/7.
She's a filthy liar, I don't talk to myself at all. Rather, I talk to the inanimate objects in my office. I'd like for everyone to get to know the wacky and offbeat characters who I work with in my office.
The Stapler -

He's an okay guy. Lately for some reason he's been really good and staples papers together like a dream. My biggest annoyance with him though is that he likes to hide under papers when I'm too busy to hunt for him.
It's not appreciated Stapler, get your act together.
The Computer -

Our tech guy just hooked Miss Computer up with more RAM, so she's been happy about that. But most days she's slow and I shout at her a lot. We have an abusive relationship, but we stay together because I don't know what we'd do without each other.
She just got back from the hospital actually about two months ago. While she was gone I cheated on her with another computer that ran Ubuntu. She was so much faster and better looking and I would have liked to leave Miss Computer for Ubuntu, but things just didn't work out.
The Calendars -

Where would I be without my calendars? Probably unemployed, that's where. My 'Nuns Having Fun' calendar is awesome, and everyone likes to come by and talk about it. It's also responsible for making me look crazier than usual. And the big calendar, a new addition to the family, is sweet too. Everyone likes to put stickers on it because it's generally agreed that it's too plain to be on my wall.
The Filing Cabinet -

I just cleaned this yesterday, so she's lost some wieght. But she's sloppy, I don't like her, and I wish she were digital or something. But in the end we put up with each other. She likes to misfile things on a regular basis though, and then I have to spend ten minutes looking for the right paperwork.
And that's about it actually. What inanimate objects do you have conversations with?
I'm surpressing the urge to send you some unicorn stickers for your calendar.
Your stapler would be a lot less likely to hide if he had a friend.
Like a tape dispenser.
And calendars say dirty things.
Be careful there.
What DON'T I talk to. I have very close relationships with pens - I used to have a drawer full of used ones, for the memories. Yeah, I'm a writer.
A previous post of yours regarding paperclips led me to believe that you were also going to talk about paper clips again.
At work, or anywhere for that matter, I sing to myself under breath and narrate what I am doing.
"I'm turnin' on my computer, oh yeah, ooh hoo baby gonna go dub some sx to sp and clean server because on Friday's I'm supposed to clean the server oh yeah baby..."
And in the same room as me is the archivist, Chris, and he's mostly wearing headphones to do his work, transcribing tapes. Sometimes though he turns to me and asks if I'm talking to him and I have to tell him, no sorry, I was singing to myself under my breath.
BAHAH! you are a nut.
sadly i talk to myself. a lot. and to my cats. i don't really talk much to inanimate objects unless i am cursing at them.
have a great weekend! :)
I do this as well folks. I sing to my coffee mug when it's full of delicious coffee and scold it when it’s empty. “Why haven’t you filled yourself again you selfish Whore!” My coffee mug is a harley Davidson ‘ride to live’ mug. So she’s a biker chick; she can take the abuse
I also sing along with the songs playing here at the station. Except I change the words and all my songs usually end with “take off your pants”. Most people around here enjoy my adlibbed songs.
Some don’t understand.
hopefully they understand better than winkler people hahaha.
I generally just talk to myself while I'm at work. Or worse, play out converstations with other people in my head, and then smile to myself.
Or I will curse at the computer/adobe audition/papers that disappear.
But my one co-worker talks all the time while he's writing. He'll quote movies, sing songs or just make weird noises.
One day I had to ask him....."If I wasn't sitting here, would you still be talking?"
The answer was yes. But he was lying.
I do this ALL THE TIME. but i sit in a cubicle surrounded by others. so its very obvious.
mostly its my computer - i have a lot of pet names for it like stupidpieceofsh..ooot.
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