Thursday 30 July 2009

A Huge Career Step

At work when I write commercials I get pretty strapped for ideas or material. I like to write really cheeky, witty spots, or stuff that's just completely bat-shit crazy.

Today I received my first letter of complaint over an ad I wrote for a Sportswear store, and I've never been more pumped. I'm finally in the big leagues if my ads are attention grabbing enough to warrant angry letters.

In all truthiness, when I wrote it I knew it could have been pretty offensive to women, but it's still really funny and I think anyone with even half a sense of humour would get some giggles from it. Especially since it's obviously satire. The fact that she remembered the name and what happened in the ad means I did my job right.

Plus it's a genuinely good sale!

Here's the offending ad, and below that, the letter the angry listener submitted.

" I just heard the new Action Sportswear commercial, and I must say that it is a true disappointment for the the store, and the station. Not only is it ridiculously stereotypical, but it is also offensive! It shows just how redneck Grande Prairie truly is! Definitely one of the worst commercials I have ever heard. Right up there with ... and ... . I don't even care if it came like that and you have to run it, I work in the advertisement business, and I refuse to run offensive and sexist material. At least change the voices to some that don't make everyones ears bleed. The commercial doesn't make me want to shop there at all, it just makes me change the radio station or spend the extra money on a satellite radio."

I posted a copy of it on my office wall to honour this momentous occasion.

I love my job.


Dave said...

Good job man! People take things too seriously sometimes, I can think of a 100 ways that add could have been more sexist.

Dave said...

PS I also enjoy the picture of our dining room wall on your wall.

BC said...

hahah that's funny man. i enjoyed that spot.

Tatiana said...

As someone who has received stupid amounts of hate mail I must say, I have never been more proud of you Jake.

drollgirl said...

hahahah!!! um, i think i would LOVE to do that job! i think?