Monday 7 May 2012

Hey you!

I don't have much to talk about today. So I'm just doing to come out and say something that's really been bothering me lately.

Dear, Ryan Gosling...stop being so damn cool.

  Even when you boot-stomped that guy's head to pieces in Drive you managed to look like a total badass. I don't really get the female appeal of Ryan Gosling. Maybe some ladies out there can explain it? However, in terms of general coolness, this guy's got it in spades.

In all seriousness, I watched Drive for the second time last night and I'm still blown away by how god-damn slick Ryan Gosling is in that movie. Go rent it if you haven't caught it yet!

That is all.

1 comment:

Tatiana said...

The cure for this is watching him in his role on Road to Avolea as a rapscallion orphan boy.