This is the first year I've decorated anything at all since I was in Highschool, and boy howdy is ever expensive to be into Christmas. To celebrate, I'm doing a christmas contest!
My girlfriend and I each decorated a christmas bulb. Have a look at the pictures below, and vote for your favourite on the poll located on the right side(not mandatory to win). Then, to be entered in Hammelltime's first ever Christmas Draw Extravaganza, just write in the comments section, or on my Facebook page that you'd like to be entered. On Friday I'll reveal which Christmas bulb won, and who gets a super-special mystery prize mailed directly TO THEIR HOME!!!!!! (Or delivered if someone I'll be seeing wins it)
Here are the bulbs (I took two photos of the red one to fully show how awesome it is). Vote away!
We also put up a really nice tree. Actually, it was a little busted-up, and as always I tried fixing it with wood-glue. That 8$ dollar investment a year ago in a jug of wood-glue is still paying off!
We only had enough decorations for one side unfortunately. But that super awesome star? I made that myself.
Pretty high quality right? Guess what it's made out of...
Two beer cans, some tape, and a nail. Really classy! We also made some Christmas stockinga for Santa to put presents in. Jen's is tasteful...
While mine has titties!
Sorry about that Mom.
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good 'ol time getting ready for Christmas. I look forward to seeing everyone in Grande Prairie, and for those of you in other towns/provinces, I'll catch you in the New Year sometime!
Oh, and don't forget to vote on your favourite Christmas bulb, and enter to win the SUPER SPECIAL SECRET CHRISTMAS PRIZE!!!!
I vote for the green ball and will accept my prize at the hammellpoolaza boxing day event. I'm really hoping it is a classy star, if you have time to drink 2 more beers!! Your next contest should be a vote-off between your tree and Sean's!!!
I vote for the red ball just to make things a tie LOL I love your decorations and spirit!
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