Monday 21 November 2011

Remember that time...

Every now and then you'll figure something out, or come to a realization in life that makes you look back and think "How did I miss that before?"

Well, I had one of those last week.

I found out that I hadn't washed my hair for a month.

Actually, make that at least a month. It could have been going on for as much as two.

My girlfriend ran out of shampoo last week as well, and decided to use mine. She thought it was other that it didn't lather, and that afterwards her hair felt just as heavy and greasy than before.

She texts me the next day and asks what I've been washing my hair with. I reply,


I mean, come on, what else would I be using. Duh.

Well, she promptly corrected me that it was indeed conditioner. Suddenly, everything clicked! So thats why my hair is so greasy if I don't wash it every day. Ohhhhhh.

That really happened. How? Well, I use Head & Shoulders, one bottle for shampoo, one bottle for conditioner. I guess when I ran out of shampoo, I just moved on to using nothing but conditioner. It didn't really occur to me that I was no longer using shampoo.

And that my friends, is how you forget to wash your hair for a month.

On the plus side of this whole experience, my hair is fantasticly smooth. And when I actually used shampoo it became light and fluffy!

I'd call that a success.

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