Today I was going to go on a tirade about Adam Sandler’s career. He’s got a new movie out, “Jack And Jill,” and I honestly thought it was a joke. I saw the movie poster ages ago, and I assumed it was a clever photoshop.

But alas, it wasn’t witty satire pointing out how totally generic and mindless his comedies have become, it is an actual movie.
From what I can tell, It’s about a regular dad who has a nearly identical twin sister. She comes over for a visit, and it turns out she’s a miserable klutz. Plus, there’s lots of that weird face-pulling from Sandler in this film...

... probably some jokes about poop, and some physical comedy that involves falling into a pool. It looks like a total waste of time and money.
But here’s the thing about these comedies, Adam Sandler’s films make serious bank. I’m not kidding, check out his last ten releases:

These movies I slander as brain-dead? 6 out of 10 are in the hundred-million ballpark. If you look at Adam Sandler’s top grossing films, combined they're worth well over a billion bucks.

So what does it mean? People want to see this stuff! Critics
come down hard on Sandler for making films like this, but if he’s entertaining people, good on him. I don’t have to watch these movies. At worst, all I have to sit through is 30 to 60 seconds of movie previews.
So Adam Sandler, good work. I think your movies are drivel, and so do quite a few other people…

…but I applaud your efforts. You’re obviously making someone laugh. Or, you're at least getting people to pay to see you in drag.

By the way, anyone seen this movie? Anyone planning on it? I have suspicions that Jack and Jill will be the combo-breaker of Sandlers multi-million major-release comedy film streak.
Blackstar Feat. Common - Respiration
1 comment:
I actually heard about this movie first on South Park. They were making fun of it and I thought the movie was something stupid the creators created. Then it was real. I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I enjoy every single Sandler film made to date. LOL
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