Thursday 31 March 2011

Any Resemblance Is Purely Coincidental

So, anyone who knows my Uncle Darcy would agree, he's an alright guy. What I didn't know, it that he led a second life as singer/songwriter Dan Grary, and released a record entitled "Lady's Fancy"

Okay, I'm just kidding. This isn't actually Uncle Darcy. But for anyone knows him, they may see a slight resemblance. You can actually buy this record for a mere ten bucks on Ebay right now. This is from a series of photos on Visual News called...

"Awkward Album Covers of Regret"

Just click the link to see more album covers, it's worth it. I'll share one more of my favourites, which I'm certain must be fake (The album title references a Simpsons Episode). If not, I'll pay serious cash to have this record in my collection:

Also, you probably noticed the change to my blog's format. I was tired of the same dark colours. It's mostly the same, but I figured I'd tool around a bit the colours. Let me know if you like it or hate it.

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