And while we were there we took in lots of sites, did some shopping and drank a lot. The highlights of the trip, aside from a spur of the moment marriage (pictures below), included Madame Tussade's wax museum where I got to flip off Cris Angel and Bono...

seeing all the boobies all over Caeser's Palace...

and getting my picture taken with lots of random people and things...

But nothing beat a reception from the 27th floor of the MGM Hotel after the beautiful wedding of some very good friends, a great meal, and lots of partying.

As for me, the best souvenir I brought back was a wife.

My girlfriend and I went down to Vegas, and I happened to do extremely well at Blackjack, beginner's luck I suppose, and with that money we got an express marriage license, and three hours later after a cheap-o ceremony at our hotel (couldn't afford a professional photographer) we were married. The papers clear in two weeks and I'll be a for-real married man in Canada.
The honeymoon is in February in Orlando if you were wondering.
Kid Adrift - Oxycotin
I'm glad you had a good time, but I'll believe the Jen & Jake nuptials when I see the paper work :)
This wedding seems like a gimmick. But a good gimmick none the less. Nice work!
I hope you're not registered anywhere because your brother and I HATE buying of registries.
Hey Jake, if this is ligit, then you better be having a reception around home... don't expect gifts if there is no reception hahahaha. Happy for you buddy!!!!
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