Right from the beginning, Predators kicks the action into high gear and doesn't stop. The main characters suddenly awake to find themselves falling from the sky with parachutes on, unaware of how they got there. A short touchdown, meet-and-greet, and violent clash later, the humans discover that they've been dropped on an alien hunting preserve from there is no escape.
I have to say that I went into this movie with pretty much no expectations. I'd heard mixed reviews that ultimately boiled down to one conclusion: Predators is the best predator movie since the original starring everyone's favourite Austrian, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I enjoyed most of the cast in this film too, with the exception of Adrien Brody.
Adrien plays the bad-ass survivalist who naturally takes lead of the party of mercenaries and criminals dropped on the planet. Adrien looks like he really toned up and got in wicked shape for this movie, but he did a ridiculous raspy voice throughout the whole thing. This role just wasn't meant for him.

The movie was filled with cheesy lines, and it was quite simple in plot. But when you think about old Arnie movies, they were always light on story, heavy on action.
If there's one movie you should go see for the thrill of watching an action movie, go check out Predators.
Overall, I give Predators:
The Good: An enjoyable cast despite being a little undeveloped. Some characters certainly weren't used to their full potential.
It was a decent sci-fi action flick. Robert Rodriguez (of Desperado fame) wrote and produced this movie, so knowing that you can go in an expect to see a movie filled with every action cliché you've ever wanted.
For those who really like Sci-fi, you also get a little glimpse into the society and dynamics of Predator society.
The Bad: Adrien Brody just wasn't a fit for his role. He tried really hard to pull it off, but for an action hero, they could have done a much better casting job.
Also, the pace at which the characters figure everything out is pretty unbelievable. I know it's a movie about interstellar aliens who hunt humans for sport, but the humans seemed to get a grasp of their situation and formulate a plan at an unreasonably fast pace.
That's about it. It's not that original of a movie to warrant a higher score, but I enjoyed it thoroughly for it was: A fast paced, hard action flick with lots of guns, lots of Predators, and lots of cheesy lines.
Go see this if you want some quality blood and guts and a nice easy story.
Don't go see this if you're lame.
Against Me! - Don't Lose Touch
I'm a big Adrien Brody fan... I think he's smart, and can do straight comedy really well (have you seen The Darjeeling Limited? One of the best movies... ever) but I was totally baffled by his casting in this. I mean... wtf?? He is so wrong for this role, even if he does it right. I can understand actors wanting to push the boundaries of what's expected of them, sure... but I can't imagine this working.
Sounds like a sweet film. I'll have to check it out.
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