Tuesday 6 July 2010

Kraft Dinner

I ate Kraft Dinner last night for the first time in months. I'd been intensely craving it for several weeks, and one day I saw this commercial below and I was done:

I had to have it. But it seems whenever I go to the grocery store I never bought it. I suppose that's not a bad thing considering that Karft Dinner is basically 30% salt, 60% starch, and the secret addictive ingredient, 10% orphan tears, but I pretty much grew up on it, and look where I am today!

Photo courtesy of Sherman Willis

Long uninteresting story short, it was delicious. I don't eat it much anymore simply because for the ten bucks a case costs I could be eating things that don't cause heart disease, but it's a little like having a hard-drug addiction where every now and then you get cravings that last for months on end.

So, does anyone else gets bizarre cravings (it might not even be for food) that have to be sated a quickly as possible?


Maxwell ! said...

Did you know there is a new Kraft dinner that is fairly healthy!? Kraft dinner smart, it's made with Cauliflower wheat. Each helping has half a serving of your daily vegetable requirements. I have not tried if yet but am intrigued. There is also Whole Wheat KD which is actually quite good. Though I, not unlike yourself, do not eat KD much, only when a craving strikes.

As for my insatiable craving, well, anything Resse Peanut butter gets me. Though I fight it with all my being.

Mr. Wordy said...

insane, insatiable cravings?
to have them is the be human.
or hungry

from time to time I desire anything loaded with sodium and deep-fried (not necessarily in that order) most often, quite suddenly at 4am.

Mr. said...

Props on the Beer-Stomach cannon

XOXO said...

Ooooh !
I get cravings to watch crappy movies. It's like, all of a sudden, if I don't sit down and watch something like "Just One Of The Guys", my head will explode. All I can say is, Thank God for youtube."

Chelsea Ribbon said...

Wow... they made Kraft Dinner look... good. Haha, I've always thought it was gross, even though my number one craving of all time is CHEESE!