Tuesday 20 November 2012

A Sucker for Packaging

Here's something some of you may not know about me: I'm a total sucker for clever or interesting product packaging. For example last week I made my decision on what coffee beans to buy based on how bad-ass the product name was. I settled for "Rocket Fuel."

Once again on Sunday I was sucked by packaging. I was in a new wine store in Edmonton (shout out to Wine and Beyond, check it out) and since there was a pile of wine and beer I'd never heard of I figured I'd try something new. Well, lo and behold there was an entire wall of these on sale for $20 a can

I walked by it at first, but no matter what I did I kept coming back to the Wall of Weifbier. Finally I gave up and grabbed a can. I couldn't resist the lure of the 5 litre mini-keg! In case you can't tell how big it is, here's me posing with my find:

I told myself I'd save it for a weekend of partying, since 5 litres is about 15 cans of beer, and split it with someone. But last night I couldn't keep from playing with it. I really really wanted to crack this thing open.

And I did! It's pretty good, it's a wheat beer that tastes almost identical to Hoegaarden, one of the most popular European style wheat beers in North America, but at a much cheaper price.

So in this case my impulse decision making based on packaging really panned out well and you can expect on my next trip through Edmonton I'll be stopping to grab a good dozen of these. 12 packs are so last year! It's all about the German Mini-keg now!

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