Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Foolin' in Photoshop: Posters about People

So I still have nothing to talk about. I went to the three quarters of the Brier finals last weekend thanks to friends and last-minute text messages. But seeing as how I didn't take any good photos there's not too much to tell you about.

As a result, here's another edition of Hammelltime featuring weird things I made in Photoshop!
After good response from my "Cale Truckin' Inc." series, I decided to keep with the theme and make some posters using my friend's Facebook photos.
They're all expertly crafted. Can you believe nobody has hired me yet to do graphic design for them?

Here was my first effort, starring Joel Gasson:

That's a Russian obituary in the background. True story.

Second, here's Tom Laird from Rock 97.7 in Grande Priarie:

I spelled 'sincerely' wrong, but Tom don't care! He's his own man, struttin' along to beat the of his own darbuka!
(This is what a darbuka is. Tom don't care! He'll strut to whatever he wants!)

Now here's an experience I know EVERYONE can relate to: You know when you're looking through Google Images for pictures of the North Korean army doing winter readiness training and you find a special image that just "fits?" Well, here's an advert of my old pal Raj featuring the DPRK's military.
The cake really is that good.

And finally, here's my friend Graham; He's big in the Crips. West-side represent!

Anywhoo, that's about it! So remember, for all your top-notch photoshoppin' needs, just call Hammelltime Productions! Whatever you need, You Got it Dude!

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