Anyway, "The Funkester" is a really overdue piece I owed to a friend; He liked it so much he hugged me.
True Story.
Anyway, fans of Arrested Development will probably recognize this as one of Tobias Funke’s acting portfolio pictures. I scoured the internet for a large photo of this, but all I could come up with something about the size of wallet photo. This meant I needed to do a grid sketch, and then ink it. Here’s what the rough sketch looked like.

See the big improvement? But as always I’m never happy with the finished product. Tobias’ hands are too small, and I couldn’t get this eyes right. As they are now, they’re blank and zombie-like. I’ll probably sneak into my friend’s house and touch it up sometime.
As always, it’s a learning experience. This took somewhere between 8 to 9 hours to make, and I could easily cut that time in half. I think sometime in the New Year I might try something like this again, because it was quite fun actually! Anyone have any requests?
Wow! That looked great Jake! I don't have any requests, but I'd love to add to my Jake Hammell Collection some day. lol
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
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