Skipping through all the boring details of the new job, new apartment, and lifestyle changes, here's a photo of something that happened roughly an hour and a half ago:

This story begins back in Alberta. My car insurance was stupidly expensive, and my car plates were about to run out. So I said "I'm not going to pay a single cent more to this damn privatized insurance racket!" and told my insurer that I wasn't going to pay my insurance bills after June, so they'd better cancel my policy. This wasn't a very prudent decision in hindsight, but I digress.

Well, as it turns out, SGI inspections are seriously tough cookies when it comes to out-of-province cars. My passenger side visor clip was broken, my heater only ran on high, and my wipers work kind of funnily, all of these, among other things, stopped my car from getting safetied. Seriously.
So it was time for a new ride! My dear old dad, who is better with cars than I could ever hope to be, found a couple of chariots. I settled on an '05 Ford 500. It's pretty nice!
So I went to Pierson to get the car and visit with family. My niece Elizabeth was there, and since I saw her at Christmas she screams a lot less and can suppourt the weight of her own head now.
After work I cleaned Glenda out (as best as you can without a vacuum) and was going to take a couple pictures to put online with an ad. As I grabbed my camera I though "Hey, I have this silly hat here, I'll get two birds stoned at once and take a picture of me with it on!"
So I set the camera ever so carefully on a ledge. I delicately put the camera's timer to the two second mark, and hit the picture button.
At the last second, I decided it would be a good idea to wave at the camera. I threw my hand up, smacked the light globe, and tried to catch it.
This is of course when the camera took the picture.

And so that is how This:

and This:

Equaled this:
RJD2 - 1976
1 comment:
LMAO best photo essay ever!
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