Wednesday 2 February 2011

High as a Caffeinated Kite

This morning I wasn't particularly tired but I was feeling quite adventurous. I've had a package of coffee from Australia in office that I forgot to try, so today was the day I decided to crack it open.

At first, this "Bangalow Coffee" was quite unassuming. It didn't smell particularly good, nor did it taste all that strong.

But now I'm high as a kite.

Those Aussies must put something in their coffee because I'm thrashed. Here's the cup-for-cup play by play of this whole morning:

Cup #1 – Bangalow Coffee
8:45AM: Drank a whole cup, felt fine.

9:15 AM: The tops of my eyeballs are buzzing. My coworker says I'm talking loudly.

9:30 AM: I have to control my volume. My peripheral vision is more colourful than normal. I have an insatiable urge to listen to hip-hop and dance music.

Cup #2 – Nabob
9:45AM: Tastes normal, little effect, my eyes are still buzzing and I feel tingly,

Cup #3 – Bangalow Coffee
10:00 AM: Tastes Great! Made a second pot with more grinds to add more flavour.

10:20 AM: My arms feel weird, my vision is still more colourful.

10:30 AM: I can't stop smiling! My face feels funny. Not like “Ha-ha” funny, just kind of numb.

Cup #4 – Bangalow Coffee
10: 50 AM: Tastes like regular coffee. I feel like swinging my arms around.

11:15 AM: I'M SO HUNGRY! I want to hug everyone and yell at them at the same time. I can't stop just looking around at stuff. The hallways seems confined yet vast.

11:20 AM: I'm tired now.

11:30 AM: I have a headache now. My teeth hurt.

11:35 AM: I pee for the 3rd time this morning.

11:40 AM: I can't type. I keep hitting three keys instead of one at a time.

And that's where I cut myself off. There's still another cup waiting for me, but my head hurts. I think I need to save this coffee for special occasions, because it's way too much for me handle.

Also, maybe I shouldn't drink about three quarters of a pot in one morning.

If I'm not careful, I'll be mainlining this stuff by Springtime. You can order yours here:

Apparently it's lower in caffeine. So it must be higher in meth content or something. Give it a try!

Fatboy Slim - Don't Let The Man Get You Down


Chelsea Ribbon said...


Maxwell ! said...

nice! I really want to order some of this coffee now.

Maxwell ! said...

Just looked into it, the Bangalow coffee site says they will be selling it online sometime in the new year. SWEET!

Kristi said...

LOL! I had no idea! Did you make it in the coffee maker in the kitchen? Is anyone else effected? I'm intrigued...

stephen clarke said...

Hey guys, my parents own the farm, if you just drop them an email they will send you an order of coffee. Also, thanks hammelltime for the good review :)