When I last updated on the topic, I explained how I lost my car to stupid driving and rust, and was on the cusp of deciding between two vehicles.
Now the decision has become harder.
The question is still
“Would I like...”
A) A 2000 Dodge Neon

B) A 94' Grand Marquis

But now I really have to make a decision, and maybe gamble a little. Both of which I've never been good at.
I'm the sort of person who likes to coast, and take things as they come. Rarely do I have to be the person who makes the ultimate decision. I'm better at suggestions and generating ideas.
Also, the only time I did any serious gambling I almost won but I went between that fine line in poker where you're legitimately doing amazing and where you're just getting cocky and everyone is playing you.
But back to cars:
I paid for a safety before purchasing the car I've decided I'd like to have most,
The 94' Grand Marquis. It's pretty much exactly the kind of car I like to drive. Big, heavy, made of metal, and lots of trunk space for dead hookers.
Plus, it's in really good condition...or so I thought.
The official safety report (which cost $100) says:
-The Steering Box is Leaking
-Idler arm has slight play, still OK
-Rear brakes down to %5
-Right Rear Caliper piston broken
-Battery Terminals corroded.
The power steering may not be leaking, they didn't do a fancy shmancy inspection where they really get in there, so they couldn't say for sure. It may just be condensation (apparently)
The idler arm thing is no problem. I think that has to do with steering straight, and it's not I can drive in a straight line anyway so no biggie.
- Battery Terminals corroded. This is easy to fix. You just gotta clean em.' Plus I may invest in a new battery before winter anyway.
- The right rear caliper piston is broken, and the rear brakes are down to 5%. I don't know what 5% means, but it sounds LOW! I once got %5 on a test (actually it was a zero on a French test) and the teacher called my mom about it. That ended badly, so if brakes are like French exams, I'd better get those fixed.
Actually, the brakes really are the big issue. Because this was a quick look-over of the vehicle, they didn't do an estimate, but it's going to cost a possible $800 to get these brakes fixed.
And brakes are important as I learned last weekend.
Now here comes the boring math portion of the story:
The Neon will cost about $4,800 to insure. (Insurance is private in Alberta. So they're gonna rip you off, especially if you're young)
It doesn't require a safety inspection because it's newer than 10 years. The asking price is $3,000, so I'm looking at almost 8 grand worst case scenario.
The Grand Marquis is asking $2,500, I dropped $100 on it already, and immediate repairs will cost another $1,000 worst case scenario.
So that's a total of $3,600
I'm going to estimate insurance being $2,500 (just to be safe) so altogether, the Marquis is like $6,100
Neon: $8,000
Marquis: $6,100
Marquis: $6,100
The Marquis is still cheaper, so I'll probably still go for it. I really really doubt the lady selling her Neon is going to give it away for $1,900. Perhaps I can talk down the Marquis guy though. The asking price of $2,500 is a little steep for a vehicle that I have to drop a load of money on.
As self-esteem councilors would say,
“It's not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's inside that matters.”
This is true for my car.
But completely untrue for Megan Fox.

Anyone have some car input?