Monday 23 February 2009

Oscars & The Grouch

For the first time in a couple years I sat down and watched the Oscars. Well, half of them. I was watching 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' with a couple of my roommates during the first half. That Matthew Mcconaughey is dreamy!

I got into them about halfway through the technical awards which were hosted by Will Smith for some reason. Another one of my various roommates who had been watching the show almost from the start on another one of our various TVs excitedly squealed and told me that Heath Ledger won Best Supporting Actor.
Yeah, whatever, like we didn't all see that one coming from a mile away. The weird thing though was that Philip Seymour Hoffman had been nominated as well. I don't know if you saw Doubt or not, but that was definitely not a suppourting actor role, it was a lead. And if he wasn't the lead actor, then who the hell was it?

In the case of best suppourting actress I saw all the films but the one that won. So I can't really say if Penelope Cruz deserved her award or not. Overall actually, all of the people nominated were great in their parts, but none of them really blew me away. Viola Davis in Doubt was pretty good. In fact, if you haven't seen Doubt, go and download it or something. It's definitely a good film.

For best actress, Kate Winslet in The Reader. Another one everyone knew she was going to get. This was her sixth time up for best actress. Not that makes her in any way more deserving. But last night was her night, everyone there knew it, even she did. Her speech was awesome, probably one of the better ones of the night, especially when she that nice father-daughter interaction moment.
I also like how her englishman father wore a dumpy looking hat to the awards. Had anyone else done that I think they would have been thrown out on the red carpet.

Best Actor was the biggest disappointment for me of the night. Sean Penn walked away with Mickey Rourke's award. Sean Penn knew it too, he even said hello to Rourke from on stage. I think it's a big FUCK YOU when in acceptance speeches winners say "I want to thank all the other nominees."
No you don't. You out-acted their ass, that's your award, not theirs. They know that, and you know that. Except in this case.
I just don't think Sean Penn did anything really phenomenal in Milk. It was a great role, he did a good job, but it was just Sean Penn playing a gay man. I just didn't buy it.
I also feel the academy gave Sean Penn the award for reasons besides being acting well.

Now on the subject of Best Picture. Of the movies that were nominated I saw Benjamin Button, Milk, and Frost/Nixon. I did not see Slumdog Millionaire or The Reader. So I can't give a fair opinion on why I didn't want Slumdog to win. But, of those movies that I did see, I think the best was Frost/Nixon. Do you know how hard it is to make a movie about interviewing someone interesting?
I don't either, but I bet it's tough! That movie was written beautifully, I've never seen anything else like it. And Frank Langella's protrayal of Nixon was awesome! He looked and sounded just like him! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It was as suspenseful as any boxing movie. I can't do the film justice in my description, but it was awesome.

But for all the people who won, you pretty knew that they were going to get it. I'm upset over the Oscars, but I knew I would be. There were no surprises, no upsets, and lots of snubbing. The Academy did it again. Way to go guys.

Oh and by the way, I want to give them big kudos on nominating two songs from Slumdog for the same category, Best Original Song, which by the way only had three nominees.
Yeah, that's right, 66% of the category belonged to Slumdog. That was a real nice choice of action there, and thanks for leaving out a certain person who should have won but didn't even get nominated. *cough* Bruce Springsteen *cough*
And what the hell was up with the performance before the award? As if you didn't know who was going win by all the Bollywood crap going on there. It would have been funny for Peter Gabriel to have won.
And if he would have brought his Keytar along too that would have been the highlight of the Oscars.

Everclear - Father of Mine


Chelsea Ribbon said...

Matthew Mcconaughey is fucking gross and a bad actor and I hate ALL of his stupid movies and they suck.

Will Smith is hot. I wanna bang him.

Slumdog Millionaire was an exceptional movie.

Sean Penn deserves all his awards for Milk. He had to make out with a lot of dudes in that film and I respect a straight man who can act like he's genuinely in love with another man and make me cry about it.

You didn't touch on best animated feature: Wall-E

That was the greatest sci-fi movie I've ever seen!

Jake Hammell said...

Mcconaughey? Gross? Whatever you say Chelsea.
My roommate said the exact same thing about Will Smith.
Making out with James Franco doesn't mean you get to win an award. I'm sticking to what I said earlier, Sean Penn didn't deserve that Oscar. Not as much as Mickey Rourke anyway. Did you even see The Wrestler? Far better movie.

I'm a little offended Chelsea, Wall-E a better science fiction than Star Wars? Than Space Odyssey 2001? Better than Tron? Better than Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? Better than Alien? Better than The Matrix?
Wait, don't answer that, I actually haven't seen it. I know you raved about it, and so did a lot of people. There was a lot of talk about it being up possibly for best picture. My mother mistakingly gave it to me for Christmas. She said I asked for it, but I must have been drunk because I don't remember that. At any rate, I gave it away to my little sister who really wanted it. Maybe I should re-re-gift that back to me.

Jana Sproule IMA said...

Yep, Rourke was robbed.

I'm super pissed you blogged about the Oscars before me, so I wrote mine, then read this. And I'm super pissed yours has a better title.

And yeah, why did everyone forget about Seymour Hoffman?

And I would totally bang Will Smith too.

BC said...

you missed the biggest rip offs. Benjamin Button stealing the make up oscar from Hellboy II and then steaing the visual effects oscar from The Dark Knight or Iron Man. How those wins make any sense at all, I don't know.

Maxwell ! said...

Slumdog millionaire typifies whats wrong with Hollywood. Was the movie good? Yes. Was it good enough to clean up like it did, absolutely not.

Mickey Rourke was robbed, that may be in my top ten cinematic crimes of all time. But I believe he was not the only one who got shafted however.

Marisa Tomei should have been given
more consideration for best supporting actress. Don't get me wrong, she shouldn't have won, but she certainly deserved more attention than was given.

Sean Penn does not deserve an Oscar for making out with James Franco. He got paid a lot of money to do that. Plus, I can appreciate that James Franco is an attractive man. The money the Sean Penn made and will make from that movie is astronomical. I would make out with any dude for a million bucks. Penn is likely to make 15 times that much when all is said and done.

I think I told Jake once that James Franco's no maintenance attractiveness pissed me off. Why should he be able to roll out of bed and look like he does.

none the less, I was very disappointed by the Oscars as per usual

Dave said...

sean penn definitely deserved that award, I don't care how much money he was paid, that was a lot of dude kissing for a straight guy.

PS: There will be no Will Smith banging haha

Chelsea Ribbon said...

You never watched Wall-E????

AND YOU GOT IT FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! Then you just gave it away??? JC Jake! C'mon now!

That's terrible. Just terrible.

I never saw the wrestler... I was too busy thinking about BANGING WILL SMITH!

Hey Dave... you like that? Banging. Banging Will Smith... haha

Dave said...

Technically wouldn't it be "being banged by Will Smith?" lol. PS: That is not sexist, it scientific lol

Anonymous said...

Sean Penn is a hypocritical Moron.
He's in love with the dictators that would kill Gays in their country and yet he gives a speech like that!

Lindsay said...

Will Smith sure was onstage for an exceptionally awkward amount of time. "Sound, what can we say about sound? Hmmm..."

Slumdog Millionaire was so cute, especially when all the Indians went up onstage together and jumped around and hugged.

Matthew McConaughey looks like he broke his nose too many times.

lindsay ||

Jake Hammell said...

So what I've learned thus far is that I'm the only one who thinks Mcconaughey is handsome man. Next time when I want to reference someone good looking I'll put down Will Smith. The ladies seem to universally want to bang him.