I'm in the process of moving to Grande Prairie, so before I pack everything and start throwing most of my stuff I thought I would say goodbye to the excellent house I've been privileged to live in for the past 6 or so months.
Yes, I realize you can see the camera, just ignore that for now.
I happened into it when I moved back to Brandon after a two month radio stint in Cranbrook, BC. Here's a picture of one my personal greatest moments of all time.

If you don't see me in the photo it's because I cleverly disguised myself as a giant bee.
So I moved back to Brandon after finding this house on eBrandon.com. I moved in with Brandon's premiere musician/student-who-works-for-The-Quill, and the rest is history.

Goodbye ridiculously cold staircase! I always enjoyed nearly wiping out on you when you were even the slightest bit damp. In the coldest weather you were sure to be only a few degrees warmer than the outside.

Goodbye old-timey wooden frame window. Remember that time you were cracked and then JM Limoges went pretty much right through you and then proceeded to yell at my roommate? That sure was fun! And you only cost $60 to fix too.

I'll definitely miss you Giant Living Room. You're so gigantic that I could only photograph half you! You sure did have some sweet floors and wallpaper. Not only that, but you were furnished to look like someone's grandmother's house. Good times!

You sure were a kooky bathroom! Remember that door you have that you couldn't actually close? And remember how you had see-through shower curtains, and that bathroom door that was also deceptively transparent? We sure did have some good times with that one. Not to mention that wacky floor you have. I don't know how you did it, but it was f*cking cool!

Who could forget the tiny kitchen? Man that thing was tiny. That oldschool stove didn't work very well either. Oh well, you had ample cupboard space and that cool counter for my coffee maker. Also, you had convenient access to the...

...Back porch! Good for smoking and storing of empty beer bottles. This photo doesn't do justice to the massive stack of empties I had in here just a week ago. You couldn't even see that window, or much of the floor either for that matter.

You radiators get special mention too. I've never lived in a house so old that it actually had steam radiators. This one sometimes actually sprays water. It was like a free sprinkler you could enjoy at any time.

I don't even know what the fuck this thing is.

Goodbye Noisy Bedroom Ceiling Fan! I didn't like you very much because you were so noisy, but you were always an efficient lighting source.

See you later Celtic Poster! This was a leftover from my old roommate. This thing was pretty cool to look at, and it had lots of purdy colours!
So that's pretty much it. If anyone wants anything from my house chances are you'll be able to do some sweet dumpster diving in the alley of the 400-block of 12th street.
image courtesy of: planebuzz.com
I feel sad that you lived in that house for so long and not once did I come and visit you while you lived in it.
The pictures helped.
Every time we talked on the phone I'd imagine you were in your first Brandon home.
I still miss that old apartment of mine. I even kind of miss that massive couch I hated so much. But overall this house was much better and easier to keep clean. It sure is too bad that you didn't get to come wreck up the place with me!
Jake, those pictures made me misty, what a solid slide show of memories! That house was pretty sweet, but on ward and upward my friend! I liked the house better than your apt. Simply because of the ample space. I fondly recall drinking gin and tonic (a few non-consecutive occasions) whilst someone vomited on your floor. Well, ... I drank gin and tonic on a few non-consecutive occasions, some vomited on the floor only once in my presence.
Oh the mammaries ....whoops, I mean memories!
p.s. Isn't Vomit a great word, just try to say it and not smile :)
Whilst\, adv. [From Whiles; cf. Amongst.] While. [Archaic]
Whilst the emperor lay at Antioch. --Gibbon.
The whilst, in the meantime; while. [Archaic.] --Shak.
I will really miss reading post secrets with you every Sunday...and by every I mean twice....also I will miss not finishing Freaks and Geeks with you...
good bye my sweet lover chinchilla baby orange coffee cup soccer duck hippy lady fuck...er....shalt miss you styrofoam coat hanger clear glass BOY!
...yes i just picked things out of the room and typed them down....don't ask about the Chinchilla..i stole him...only once though.
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