Why? Laziness mostly. I haven’t really been doing much aside from playing video games and drinking coffee, and I mean that in a very literal sense.
I was given a French Press for Christmas, and lordy lord does it ever make a huge difference in the coffee you’re drinking!

However, I’m the only writer at the station, so I’m director of myself. Last week I issued a memo to myself:
“Attn: Jake Hammell
From: Wired 96.3 Creative Director
Stop being so good looking, you’re distracting the entire creative department.”
And that’s about it! I'll have something interesting to blog about next week, I promise!
PS, you may have noticed the train wreck of a new header. I’m working on my blog’s design now that I have access to photoshop at work and this was my first effort. Here's something else I created last week. Let me know if you can see what I did...

Damn that delightful everyman!!
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