Let me make this point clear: I love veal. Chances are if I can order it at a classy restaurant I will for sure get that served up. I mean, it's so good! It's a tiny slice of beef heaven! My only regret after finishing it is that there isn't any more.
After eating a delicious meal I often like to discuss it with people, but with veal there is no such option. Who knows who you're going to piss off? And do you know why people get pissed off and all 'Up Ons' about veal? Because no-good wannabe hippie organizations like like PETA and IFAW like to perpetuate images like this:

You see these pictures? That baby seal is going to get killed. Three or four months from now when its an adult. See that cow? Poor cow, look how poorly that farmer treated it! Did you know it was a sick calf from the get-go? Probably not because PETA didn't tell you that. It's not really in their best interest to do so, otherwise the donations for their organization might dry up.
Legitimate animal cruelty that PETA protests just doesn't happen on the scale that they would like you to believe. When it does happen its generally at the hands of some guy who shouldn't be farming anyway because he or she is a sick freak.
By the way, People who don't take care of their animals can do time in prison. This woman's charges got dismissed, but she could have been in for up to three years in prison for letting a few starve.
When Sheep Starve
Sidenote: I once forgot to feed my budgie and he died. Does that mean I have to go to prison now too?
Yup, I'm pretty sick of animal activists who are suckering in the masses with the pictures and video of cute baby seals, sick calves, and dying puppies that they've been using for years, lots of which can be easily taken out of context. Chances are if the footage looks grainy and crappy, it's because it was shot with someone's VHS-Cam 20 years ago when that crap did actually happen.
This video is a little tough for the faint of heart to watch, but it's a good example of what I'm talking about.
Have animals been treated like crap in the past? Yes. Have farmers for the most part cleaned up their acts? Yes. Does the government continue to push new laws and stricter penalties on transgressors? Yes. Do these horrible animal acts still happen around the world? Unfortunately Yes. Asia isn't as stringent with their humane laws as Europe and North America. But, can you guess where that brand new horrific animal cruelty footage comes from? You guessed it, developing nations, Asia, and third world countries.
One thing the activists are a little correct about is when it comes to overcrowded birds. The treatment of chickens is abhorrent. But here's the thing. Those birds that are shipped off to KFC won't live past a year and a half. I've seen this happen, the chickens literally grow too fast for their hearts to support them. They just turn to jelly. Anyway, support free-range chickens. Not only are they raised in a better way, but they actually do taste better.
But when it comes to animal mistreatment, the issue is quite overblown. When you transport pigs it's in the farmer's best interest not to beat them, shock them, or otherwise over-stress them. It messes up the meat, and when the meat is of poor quality the producer can't get as good a price, when he doesn't get as good a price he can't afford to pay his bills, and we all know what happens when you can't pay your bills. So why would anyone these days in the pork market do anything to lower the value of their meat?
When activists bring this footage over to North America it vilifies the average farmer and can cause a kneejerk reaction by the government that ends up wasting time and money in parliament. It's a lot like how people who know nothing about sport hunting get to make all the rules about how, where, and when about hunting.
I'm sure you wouldn't hire an accountant to build your house or a guitarist to play the saxophone, why would you let an activist who's never been to a farm tell you to shut down an entire farm industry?
Lets make informed decisions people. Let's ask the activists hard questions like: "Where and when did you get this footage?" "Are you just taking pictures of sick animals to tug at heartstrings or is this actually the intentional fault a human owner?" "What kind of farm operation did this delicious veal come from?"
By the way, if the answer you get about the veal is unsatisfactory, don't eat it. You can instead pass it over to me, I'll chow down on it. I could care less, veal is delicious and I'm a heartless bastard.
Oh, and here's another person who can join my heartless asshole society.
“ | Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it. | ” |
—Ingrid Newkirk, PETA President, [11 |
Another solid blog Jake. I too enjoy veal. I've even received snide remarks and looks from service people for ordering it. It usually launches me into a tirade and rant about how they don't know shit etc etc etc. Veal is awesome. I grew up on farm, I know what goes on. To be honest, farm practices in North America have be fairly humane for the past 15 years or more. Even 15 years ago our practices were no where near as brutal as developing countries like asia.
check it out
Maxwell you're right on the money. North America has been cleaning up its act for a long time, and Dave, that was F'n hilarious!
Jake... there you go again making girls swoon with cute and fuzzy looking baby seals!
The dead cow made me sad.
i couldnt agree with you more on this one!! and veal is delicious i grew up eating it and i aint gonna stop now.
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