Thursday 10 December 2009

One Year Anniversary

It's officially been a year since I started blogging regularly (actually, 13 months). There's one entry from back in 2007 that doesn't count since this blog was originally started as part of a class assignment.

I made a list of goals, some of which were achieved, some of which I gave up on quickly, and others that I'm still striving towards.

Some of these goals were:

  • Post decent music videos
This has been somewhat accomplished, and I've only missed maybe 4 weeks of new videos. One hitch though is that you can't always post the vids you'd like because not everyone wants their videos embedded. That's really too bad because lots of new bands I've discovered have some awesome videos I want to share, but whatever, it's their loss.
Keep to a bi-weekly schedule

Most of the time this isn't a problem. I try and stick to a Monday, Thursday update schedule. There've been times when I only do one entry a week though, other times 3 entries. There've been entries that I can't wait to post, and there're days when I have absolutely no clue what I'll write about. Coincidentally, some of those happen to be my best works (in my opinion).

  • Post Etch-A-Sketch doodles
I'm a big proponent of Etch-A-Sketch. It's lots of fun, and people get a kick out of it at parties when I doodle something. I intended to regularly post photos of doodles I made, but that didn't pan out because I found it was incredibly hard to get a good picture of a sketch.

In its place though, I started painting. I've come a long way with my paintings, but they're good fun. Here's an interesting fact: I haven't kept a single piece of anything you've seen on here because I always mail them away to friends and family, or given it away for charities or contests. People say I should start doing it for money, but I couldn't charge people for something I don't take seriously.

  • Create an Arts and Culture Forum
What I'd really like to have a blog like Jeff Vogel's (video game designer) whose readers debate amongst themselves. You fantastic readers of mine do this, the only difference is that there are 13 people subscribed, plus you folks from Facebook who swing by on a regular basis, whereas Jeff designed ten or so critically acclaimed computer games whose die-hard fans number in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands and read his blog religiously.

But don't worry guys, I've got a big project coming up. It's going to rock your world!

  • Music Reviews
I review lots of books and movies, but not music. I intended to do it quite often, but only once did I follow through. The thing is that I'm not going to review music I download because I'd feel guilty about it, and I'm more liable to drop $100 on books I've never read than music I've never listened to.

Next year's goal is to review at least ten new or small-time albums

That's about it! I've learned a lot over this past year of blogging. Some of the big ones being that shorter blog entries (unlike this one) do better than long ones, people like pictures, and asking readers for input actually gets some of them to offer up input.

So, for anyone else who blogs, how did the past year go for you?

Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced?

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